Introducing the New Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release DVD Set
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Deep Tissue Massage: An Integrated Full Body Approach – Coordinating Deep Tissue and Myofascial Release into a Fluid Bodywork Session
The new Art Riggs DTMTES deep tissue and myofascial release DVD set include seven discs with over 9 hours of comprehensive instructions. After countless requests from therapists who loved Deep Tissue Massage and Myofascial Release but expressed challenges working therapeutic philosophy and techniques into their practice, I created a second volume.
Rather than distinct sections of the previous set, I move from A to Z, covering the whole body in a standard sequence. I begin in the prone position and then proceed to supine, with an entire segment devoted to the important side-lying position. Since the focus is on smooth massage, I spend less time on biomechanics and go into great detail on the strategies, techniques, and anatomy offered in the first set, but with more specific nuts and bolts techniques.
Rather than distinct sections of the previous set, I move from A to Z, covering the whole body in a standard sequence. I begin in the prone position and then proceed to supine, with an entire segment devoted to the important side-lying position. Since the focus is on smooth massage, I spend less time on biomechanics and go into great detail on the strategies, techniques, and anatomy offered in the first set, but with more specific nuts and bolts techniques.
Rave Reviews
“This is the best educational massage DVD I have ever encountered! Great job Art! If you want to be successful in your practice and have clients follow you and book with you months ahead, buy this DVD, this price worth all knowledge, theory, techniques he demonstrates! This DVD is equally fantastic as his first DVD series! You will enjoy it immensely!”
- Susan S.
“Thank you Art… I’m watching your second set of DVD’s. I’m not sure which one is better but both are a must. I also own other DVD’s by other instructors but I can honestly say that you are the massage therapist’s massage therapist. I learn much from other instructors but your DVD’s are more real “in the trenches” work. Again, thank you for such great work and being a great person.”
- Joe R.
- Biomechanics
- Tools
- Assessment and session planning goals
- Warm-up
- Philosophy of a fluid integrated massage
DVDs 2, 3, 4
- First separates the body into large segments
- Then connects each section to later segments for the preparation of full-body demonstrations
- Develops your assessment skills to discover opportunities for escape from cookie cutter routines
- Numerous specific strategies to accomplish your assessment goals
- Blending specific sections with adjacent areas for integration and fluidity instead of by the numbers segmented approach
- Covers several individual sections of the body with the specifics and then perform a fluid massage connecting these segments
- Throughout this section, a lot of time is devoted to body positioning and working with bones and joints for better movement
- Well over an hour of techniques for effective side-lying work your clients will love.
DVDs 6 & 7
- Includes demonstrations of over an hour of full-body fluid massage on different models. By following the progression in real-time, we leverage the continuity of a seamless and full massage, which is extremely helpful in learning flow.